
  • What is Fiber Photometry?

    Fiber photometry is an optical technique for measuring chemical signaling in the brain of a freely behaving animal.

  • Recommended Reading: Development of in vivo photometry (Cui et al. 2014)

    Cui et al. record in the striatum of freely-moving animals using their newly developed in vivo photometry method.

  • Recommended Reading: Spectrally Resolved Fiber Photometry (Meng et al. 2018)

    Meng et al. design a spectrometer-based photometry system that allows for recording in multiple colors.

  • Recommended Reading: Tapered fibers in photometry (Pisano et al. 2019)

    Pisano et al. utilize tapered fibers to achieve depth-resolved fiber photometry.

  • How To Increase Your Frame Rate to 100Hz

    Adjust the camera settings to record up at speeds up to 100 Hz by following a simple procedure.

  • Multi-Fiber Photometry to Record Neural Activity in Freely-Moving Animals (Martianova et al. 2019, JoVE)

    The Neurophotometrics team is proud to announce the publication of our collaborative work with the Proulx lab at CERVO Brain Research Centre of Université Laval. Special thanks to our collaborators, Ekaterina Martianova and Christophe Proulx, for making this work possible!

  • Getting Started with Bonsai

    Bonsai is an open source software capable of processing many heterogeneous streams of data in parallel; it is also our software of choice for running fiber photometry experiments using a Neurophotometrics system.

  • How to Cleave Fibers

    After deciding on an experimental paradigm, you will need to cleave your fibers to reach your brain region(s) of interest.

  • Patch Cord Purchasing Guidelines

    While Neurophotometrics does not currently manufacture patch cords, we are happy to provide guidance so that your selection is the most compatible with your fiber photometry system and experimental setup.

  • NPM Goes Open Source

    Neurophotometrics will officially become an open source company upon the release of our second-generation fiber photometry system, the FP3002.

  • FP3001 User Manual

    View and download the latest version of the FP3001 User Manual.

  • Aligning the FP3001

    After you have set up your system, you will need to align it to your patch cord.

  • Evaluating Raw Fiber Photometry Data

    Important considerations to give you a jump-start on the road to learning how to identify good photometry data in real time.

  • Introducing Our V2 Fiber Photometry System

    Neurophotometrics is very excited for the upcoming launch of Version 2 (V2/FP3002), our second-generation fiber photometry system.

Title of this group

  • Sample Raw Data: Signal Predicts Behavior

    In this data highlight, we present an example of a FIP signal that predicts the duration of a drinking bout with nearly 100% accuracy.

  • Data Highlight: Proulx Lab

    This data highlight features experiments from Christophe Proulx’s laboratory at the CERVO Brain Research Center of Université Laval.

  • Sample Raw Data: Recording from Axon Terminals

    Sample of raw fiber photometry data recorded from axon terminals using the Neurophotometrics system.

  • Data Highlight: Schoenbaum Lab

    Data collected and analyzed by Kauê M. Costa, postdoctoral fellow from Geoffrey Schoenbaum’s laboratory at the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

  • Data Highlight: Khodakhah Lab

    This data highlight features experiments from Kamran Khodakhah’s laboratory at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.