Sample Raw Data: Signal Predicts Behavior
In this data highlight, we present an example of a FIP signal that predicts the duration of a drinking bout with nearly 100% accuracy. These data were reproduced with permission from the authors who requested to keep their names and favorite brain region anonymous.
These are raw data that are intended to demonstrate what our software will live-plot while you are recording. They have not been corrected for bleaching (which is minimal). In this example, a virus expressing GCaMP6s was injected into a nucleus and an optical fiber was implanted over a specific projection. During this recording, the animal was placed in an operant conditioning chamber and was trained to press a lever to receive a sucrose reward. Arrows in the above plot indicate when the animal began consuming the reward, referred to as a drinking bout. In this raw trace, the x-axis represents time (seconds) and the y-axis represents mean pixel value.
On the right, the mean SEM is aligned to the onset of a drinking bout. Note the nearly identical kinetics for the first 5 seconds. More variance exists later in the trace as some bouts lasted less than 5 seconds.
With a simple linear regression, the authors are able to predict — with astounding accuracy — the duration of a drinking bout from the duration of the inhibition seen with the fiber photometry. This would not be possible without the single trial resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio that the Neurophotometrics FIP system provides.