Data Highlight: Khodakhah Lab
This data highlight features experiments from Kamran Khodakhah’s laboratory at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
A) Scheme of the experimental configuration. Channelrhodopsin was injected in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the fluorescent dopamine sensor dLight1.1 was injected in the left nucleus accumbens (NAc) and right medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Fibers were implanted in the right VTA, left NAc, and right mPFC.
B) Raw data of fiber photometry recordings (Neurophotometrics, Constant mode, 40 Hz) of dLight1.1 fluorescence, collected simultaneously in NAc and mPFC while optically stimulating the VTA with 440 nm light at different power intensities (trains of 14 pulses, 1 ms length, at 20 Hz).
C) Average dLight1.1 signal in the NAc evoked with optical stimulation in the contralateral VTA at four light power levels (10 sweeps each, average +/- SE) extracted from the signal in B.
D) Average dLight1.1 signal in the mPFC evoked with optical stimulation in the ipsilateral VTA at four light power levels (10 sweeps each, average +/- SE) extracted from the signal in B.
The analysis was performed with Igor Pro 7. The dopamine sensor (AAV9.CAG.dLight1.1) was kindly provided by Dr. Lin Tian (UC Davis).
Data presented here are published with permission from the lab of Kamran Khodakhah at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. This figure was produced by Jorge Vera and Maritza Oñate. If you have any questions or comments about the data shown here, you may contact jorgeverab@gmail.com.