Data Highlight: Proulx Lab
PThis data highlight features experiments from Christophe Proulx’s laboratory at the CERVO Brain Research Center of Université Laval.
A) Scheme of the experimental configuration. Fibers were implanted in three brain regions (X, Y, and Z) to allow recording at axon terminals projecting from a distinct GCaMP-expressing region (HUB).
B) Signals were recorded simultaneously at axon terminals in regions X, Y, and Z while mice were allowed to explore an open field. Highlighted bars indicate periods of increased mobility. A coherent “escape” signal can be observed broadcasting from the Hub to all three of these distant brain regions.
Data presented here are published with permission from the lab of Christophe Proulx. This figure was produced by Christophe Proulx, Ekaterina Martianova, and Alicia Pageau. If you have any questions or comments about the data shown here, you may contact christophe.proulx@fmed.ulaval.ca.